Transform Your Skies: Online Masterclass goes LIVE on Sunday!

Transform Your Skies: Online Masterclass goes LIVE on Sunday!

I've have started some new online classes and the next one goes LIVE on Sunday!

LIVE ON SUNDAY! Online Masterclass #2 - Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds SJB Fine Art

Transform your skies is all about mastering clouds so if you struggle to capture their delicate, airy beauty in your paintings, we’ll be unlocking the secrets to painting realistic fluffy clouds. The doors to the next class are now open and I'll be going LIVE ON SUNDAY at 4pm so book your place now!

LIVE ON SUNDAY! Online Masterclass #2 - Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds SJB Fine Art

Each class will be value packed, and include a 90 minute live 'over my shoulder' demonstration, with hands-on painting techniques, tips, and tricks that I’ve learned over the years. Plus, there will be regular Q&A segments where you can ask me anything.

If you want to have a quick look at how the last class went, you can watch a short clip here:

Coastal Painting - Online Masterclass #1 SJB Fine Art


Coastal Painting - Online Masterclass #1 SJB Fine Art

Whether you join the live interactive session or watch later at your own pace, you’ll have access to a dedicated course portal with all the resources you need – reference photos, colour test sheets, materials lists, a private class community and more.

Access to the portal, the recording and all the resources will be available for a whole month! This gives you plenty of time to watch as many times as you like, paint along, and actually DO the exercise. You'll get reminders to post your work, as a gentle nudge to keep you accountable and, to make sure you’re getting the most out of each class.

I’ve designed these demo masterclasses to be engaging and approachable, making even the most daunting subjects feel achievable. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, there’s something here for everyone.

I can’t wait to paint with you. Click below to get all the class details:

Transform your Skies - ONLINE Masterclass

Improve your painting! New 3 week course. Saturday afternoons from 30th Sept 2023 SJB Fine Art


I run various workshops suitable for a range of abilities. These run throughout the warmer months.

Please check back soon for 2024 dates! or sign up to my studio news so you will be first to know!