Master fluffy clouds in my new online Masterclass

Master fluffy clouds in my new online Masterclass

I’ve launched a new series of online masterclasses, designed to be engaging and approachable, making even the most daunting subjects feel achievable. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, there’s something here for everyone.

I launch each class LIVE online, so if you're interested in catching the next one, sign up to my newsletter for all the details.

If you missed the last one on Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds that's ok, you haven't missed out! I have added it to my online course portal, so you can purchase when you're ready and watch at your convenience.

Online Masterclass #2 Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds

Watch, pause, rewind and watch again as you paint along! This painting masterclass unlocks the secrets to painting realistic fluffy clouds with confidence and ease.

You'll get access to a private course area on my website where you'll find the recording and other resources to watch and follow along at your own pace.

Full of useful tips and advice in a relaxed but clear online demonstration. 1 month access with regular reminders to do the exercise so that gentle accountability is 'baked in'!

Let me guide you through my process of simplifying an image, identifying key shapes, colours and values. Then we will build up layers of gradually adjusting and refining areas to produce a light filled painting that is vibrant and full of energy and atmosphere, using loose dynamic brushstrokes.

Online Masterclass #2 - Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds SJB Fine Art

Are you struggling to capture the delicate, airy beauty of clouds in your landscape paintings? Do your clouds always turn out looking like they are made of concrete instead of light, fluffy wisps? You’re not alone! Many artists find themselves frustrated when trying to paint realistic clouds that add depth and atmosphere to their work.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The Art of Observation: Learn how to truly see and understand the structure and subtleties of clouds, so you can translate them into your work.
  • Colour and Light Mastery: Discover how to use colour and light to create the illusion of volume and softness in your clouds.
  • Brush Techniques: Gain insights into the specific brush techniques that will help you achieve those delicate, wispy edges and soft blends.
  • Layering and Blending: Explore the methods of layering and blending that bring your clouds to life, adding depth and realism to your skies.

Why Take This Masterclass?

  • Overcome Common Challenges: Many artists struggle with making their clouds look natural and three-dimensional. I’ll help you overcome these hurdles with practical tips and personalised guidance.
  • Interactive Learning: The recording shares the Q&A from the live session while giving you time to paint along and the course area and community gives you a place to get feedback.
  • Boost Your Confidence: By the end of the class, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to paint realistic clouds, a vital component to enhance all your seascapes and landscapes.
  • Suitable For Oils Or Acrylics: You can use whichever medium you prefer for this class, I'll demonstrate both!
  • 1 month access to a private course portal with everything you need to follow along and get the most out of the class
  • Reference photo, colour testing sheet and materials list
  • Real time video 'over my shoulder'
  • Watch as I paint and explain my process and decision making as I go
  • Full view of my set up including easel and palette
  • Class community to share your work, ask questions and get feedback!
  • Completion certificate and graduate access to student Facebook group

Transform Your Skies: Mastering Realistic Fluffy Clouds is the second in my new series of online Masterclasses.

Remember, if you want to join me on the next LIVE class, sign up to my newsletter  for all the details. As well as getting information on the next class and details on how to register and reserve your place, you will also receive VIP membership to an exclusive inner circle of art lovers, collectors and friends, and can look forward to receiving studio news and insights, exclusive first access to new work and occasional treats. All new subscribers get 15% off their first order too.

Interested in learning how to paint coastal cliffs? Check out the first class in my online course portal: Coastal Cliffs Painting

I will share news on the next LIVE class soon - hope to see you there!

    Improve your painting! New 3 week course. Saturday afternoons from 30th Sept 2023 SJB Fine Art


    I run various workshops suitable for a range of abilities. These run throughout the warmer months.

    Please check back soon for 2024 dates! or sign up to my studio news so you will be first to know!