I'm ready to announce the first prize winner in my Christmas Giveaway! ✨
First prize is a '1-to-1 Artist Mentorship Session' via video call. ✨ This is a unique prize as I don't currently offer this anywhere. The winner gets personalised feedback and tips on their artwork/art career.
The 1st winner is...
Megan McInerney
Congrats Megan! Get in touch and we'll arrange a time/day for your session.
Keep an eye out for 5 more prize winners this week! There will be one announced every day.
If you didn't win this prize, but are interested in getting some personalised help with your artwork, I am doing a mentorship program with a small group of up to 8 artists starting in January. This is with a great Canadian platform called Mastrius. Check out the details in my blog post below...
Next prizes still to give away...
✨A large poster print of my painting ‘Emotions run deep’
✨ One of my 2023 calendars featuring recent paintings
✨ A pack of 6 Greeting cards worth £15
✨ £20 gift card to use on anything in my shop
Please note: competition entry ended on Thursday 15th December 2022.